finished objects · Sewing

Simplicity 1419

Pattern: Simplicity 1419, view B

Fabric:  Mystery fabric from Joann’s

Notions: 22″ invisible zipper, contrasting sateen for collar and bias binding


So, I guess I’m back!  The musical was brilliant, and I’m so very proud of all my students.  Next spring I hope to produce another!   Now that I’ve done it once, perhaps it will not consume my life.  I wouldn’t want to do anything else, and I am so very happy with my career!  But now I have a few months off, so I’m back to sewing again.  Well, I had to kick my husband out of my sewing room, which he had turned into a LEGO construction room, but never you mind.   I decided t0 start back with this pattern, a Lisette dress in a very retro style.

I bought this fabric at Joann’s, and I’m not sure of the content.  My guess is rayon/poly/cotton.  It does like to fray, but it will  hold a press.  I have wanted a striped dress for a few years, so I was happy to make this one!

I cut a size a size 12 in the bodice, blending to a 14 in the waist (my measurements are a 28″ waist and 33″ bust, if that helps anyone!)  Honestly, the waist is a little big, but I don’t like things that are tight, so I’m happy with it!

I didn’t follow many of the instructions, but I did use the zipper instructions.  Honestly, I can’t recommend them if you do view B (with the collar):

(I am very proud of my stripe matching – not perfect on the skirt, but excellent in the bodice!)  So, the instructions direct you to interface both the collar and the facing.  This results in a lot of bulk.  It then asks you to place the edge of the zipper tape at the seamline, and to later fold the tape over the seam line and tack it down.  Quite frankly, that’s a lot of bulk, and I would recommend interfacing only the facing, and finishing the zipper with a hook and eye to close.

I decided that I would rather just hand sew the neck together, so my dress lacks the button and loop called for in the pattern.

Sewing this dress made me realize how much I was missing sewing.  Hopefully I will be able to make some balance this year, so that I don’t have to disappear again!  I would like to thank everyone who emailed me, asking where I was.  Although  I wasn’t always able to reply, it meant a lot to me that you all remembered!  I’m really hoping to be here more consistently now, and to find more balance in my life.  Plus, look at all the awesome patterns I missed (planning post coming soon!)

But really, thank you, and I hope I haven’t been forgotten!


27 thoughts on “Simplicity 1419

  1. Welcome back. Love your dress. I’ve been a bit obsessed with this pattern but can’t bring myself to buy it yet as I’m in financial lockdown saving for my new house. Stash projects only for me. Anyway, look forward to seeing more posts from you soon.

  2. I enjoy your blog. I have to balance my life between work, sewing, and violin practice (I’m nowhere near your level, though) , so I know it’s hard to do all three at any one time. I love your sewing and your choice of items to sew. Thanks!

  3. Super cute! I love the stripes, I’ve been trying to figure out what to make with some as well! Glad you’re back! Did a little happy dance (arms only, I’m at work!) when I saw this post in my blogger feed! Can’t wait to see your next project!

  4. Definitely not forgotten! I was so pleased to see a recent update from you in my blog feed. I love the dress!

  5. Here’s the thing – we all know that life sometimes gets in the way and that you need to step away for a minute. But we are all still here waiting for your return, plus i knew you were going to come back because you have one beautiful sewing room ~ glad the Legos are gone!

    This is a great dress. You’re stripe matching is awesome. Glad you’re back. Can’t wait to see what comes out of your sewing machine next!!!

  6. Your blog was one of the first sewing blogs I ever read. Glad you are back! Life can get really busy! Thanks for all the inspiration.

  7. Glad you’ve gotten some sewing time back! As someone who works in theatre, I know how much of an energy suck a play can be.
    Great dress! I’ve been on such a stripe kick lately. I will pretty much buy any striped fabric I see… I can sometimes get too carried away playing with stripe direction and contrast, it’s good to be reminded that simplicity can be striking too!

  8. Such a wonderful dress! You haven’t forgotten how to sew 😉 I’m glad your absence was a happy one. Great to see you back again!

  9. Welcome back! I love your dress! It’s funny how commercial patterns always overdo it with the interfacing recommendations…
    The dress looks beautiful and so classic!

  10. very pretty and flattering! I thought I’d also note that I appreciate you sharing your size/measurements. Picking the right size is always a big guess for me even using finished garment measurements. It’s so helpful to real examples.

  11. The great thing about blog readers is that your blog will just lay dormant until one happy day you jump into our feed. You’ve had a huge transition, and while I hope for more balance for your sake, you definitely won’t be forgotten if and when life gets crazy again 🙂 Your dress is fabulous! I’ve missed the amazing source of inspiration that you are!

  12. So glad you’re back! I’ve missed your blog. I used to sew SO many of my clothes, then – like you – other parts of my life took over. I switched to knitting, which I love, because it was portable and could be done in short spurts. Then, inspired by your blog to get back to sewing, I planned a couple of small projects, and my 40 year old sewing machine broke. I’m still adjusting to the new machine, so I need regular inspiration from reading your blog to get me started again. Welcome back!

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