crafts · knitting · yarn


Current temp outside: 38 degrees F

Current temp in my house: 54 degrees F

Currently working furnaces that I own: zero

Yes… our furnace started going out Christmas Eve, and as of now we are still without heat (a part has been ordered to fix matters, but I don’t have a real idea of when it will get better.)  This is one time in my life that I’m glad to be a knitter, as I shiver in front of a space heater wearing 2 sweaters and a hat.  I know, those of you from colder parts of the world are snickering at my 38 degree pain, but there is a reason I’ve not given into Marc’s scheme of moving to, say, Minneapolis (though I’m sure I would love it there in other respects.)

I have been knitting to keep warm, and I am now working on the sleeves for Amelia – I won’t say it’s a super quick knit, but I am loving the results.  I also started a new pair of socks, per my New Year’s resolution to knit more of them.

I’m using the Hedera pattern from knitty, and the yarn is Fleece Artist Sea Wool.  The icy color is perfect for winter, especially considering our current situation!  I’m not convinced yet on the yarn – it has the same crunchy feel as sea silk, and tends to twist on itself.  But I may change my mind – the sheen is gorgeous, as are all the Fleece Artist colors.  These are my first Cookie A. pattern, as well as my first lacey socks.

Have you read this article on Knitters Review?  It’s about something called “slow stashing,” which is basically what I meant with my resolution yesterday.  I resolve to be more thoughtful with my purchases, so that I only knit with yarns I truly love.  I also like that it talks about letting go of things you won’t use, because I firmly believe that life is too short to knit with yucky yarn.  The ideal, of course, is not to buy them in the first place, but I have to tell you that I don’t feel compelled to use things up (this spreads to things like leftovers in my fridge too… probably this is one of the ways you can tell I was an only child.)  I have sent many yarns onto happier homes, which pleases me – they do not go to waste, and I don’t have to feel bad.  I have used lots of stashed yarns this year, especially during my yarn diet from April-August.

But often I do like to use up my stash… yarns that I love but have not yet found a use for.  Above you see two skeins of Rowanspun 4-ply, which is discontinued.  I have two full bags of this yarn, one in Jade and one in Midnight.  I have been totally stumped about what to use it for – I thought of lace but fear it would not hold its shape, and I don’t like the thought of a 4-ply sweater with this (too thin.)  I have been searching for a tweedy yarn to make the Garter Yoke Cardigan (from Knit.1) but as of yet have had no luck… Kathmandu Aran was too bulky, and I don’t love other tweeds… but I do want to make the sweater tweedy, as garter stitch is so pretty in tweed.  I finally hit upon the idea of doubling these yarns (one of each color) and it is so lovely – just what I wanted!  The gauge is a DK weight, which is good because I needed to downsize the sweater just a bit.  I hope to get started knitting this up soon!

The spirit of capitalism has not left me though… and to prove it I will show my Christmas present yarn (a combination of presents and things I bought with Christmas monies!)  It’s mostly sock yarn, because that makes the easiest present, but I do not complain… I love sock yarn, and I have said this will be the year of socks for me (and sweaters too, don’t go getting worried… I’ll give up another hobby before I quit my sweaters!)

Handmaiden Casbah in Paris.  I don’t usually go for multis anymore, but this is so pretty.  I think Fleece Artist and Handmaiden really have the nicest colorways.  The yarn is really lovely and soft (cashmere!) and is sort of between a sport and fingering weight I suppose.

Squoosh merino/ cashmere sock.  More tightly spun than the casbah, but just as soft.  This color is navy over teal, and it is so very pretty.

And some yarn I ordered with x-mas money, but haven’t received yet…

Hedgehog Fibres merino/bamboo sock in Falling.  So pretty that I bought it on impulse, even though it has to come all the way from Ireland.  I think it looks like mermaid colors, and I want to make Pomatomus.

Madelinetosh sock in Poprocks.  Because I have wanted hot pink sock yarn for ages.  No, I don’t know why… maybe because I can’t wear it near my hair, but I love hot pink.

Hazel Knits in Beach Glass.  Um… because it was 30% off?  Woolgirl is having a sale, if you didn’t know… the Madtosh was 10% off too.  Check it out.

Apparently this week’s theme is blue/green… good thing I love those colors!

After this Christmas related frenzy, which can only be blamed on stress (I promised myself sock yarn if I made it through the season without a meltdown !) I have an ample supply of sock yarn to choose from again, after selling off most of my older stuff since I wasn’t into the colors anymore.  I do still have some Trekking that I don’t want, I need to take a photo of it and see if anyone wants to buy it – lovely color of purple, but I’m not feeling the Trekking love… it’s finer than I prefer.

Back to working on Amelia  I hope to finish a sleeve today, wish me luck!

15 thoughts on “Brr…

  1. When you are cold, it’s just unpleasant no matter where you are. Hope you get a working furnace really soon!
    I absolutely LOVE that Fleece Artist Sea Wool colour. I haven’t tried it yet and am curious to hear how you feel about it once you’ve washed and worn your socks. The look stunning so far.
    Have a super rest of your first day of the year!

  2. love your blog and would really love to have your purple trekking if you are no longer interested… i am looking for a purple yarn to crochet a cardigan….thanks for your interest.

    have a wonderful new year happy fingeers

  3. I’m sending you warm vibes from the west coast!
    The multi-colored yarn is gorgeous. I can’t wait to see what you knit from it.
    Have a happy new year!

  4. Hope your house warms up soon. My flatmate keeps turning off our heating because she is such a warm person – I live in Scotland! We need our heating!

    Love the new sock yarns and the new sock looks so lovely and frosty.

  5. Oh, I hope your furnace gets fixed soon!
    I can’t wait to see the socks you knit in ’09! I have 3 prs going right now.
    I think the yarn from Ireland will look beautiful in Pomatomus! Great choices.

  6. I have a bag of the Jade Rowanspun too. I think you have a better chance of using it for a sweater than I do though seeing as you’re at the other end of the body type spectrum to me. What about the Apres Surf Hoodie?

    You could also double strand the two colours together which could work well or double strand the same colour and stripe or a mixture of both the same colour and the two colours could be really interesting but might take some working out.

  7. ooh, that handmaiden casbah is ridiculously beautiful. I can see why you got it- I don’t usually go for multicoloured yarn either, but that is too gorgeous to resist!

  8. I’m from Minneapolis. Born here. 54 in the house is cold. For me, every winter brings a short but painful period of adjustment to the colder temps. Good luck in getting your heater fixed.

  9. I feel your pain with the furnace, ours went out last year on one of the single digit days, I hope it gets fixed soon. I’m actually using some Madelinetosh sock in Lichen for some socks right now, it is really beautiful stuff.

  10. Brrrr, cold is cold no matter where you are! And no heating in the house when it’s 38 outside is no fun. I hope you get your heating fixed soon.
    Loved looking at all your 08 knits, your FO’s are always beautiful. can’t wait to see some in 2009.
    Happy New Year.

  11. Being cold is no laughing matter. I lost my heat and power for almost three days last week (lightning hit a tree that pulled the meter off my house), and it was in the 20s here. Brrr.

    I’m trying to do the same thing with my stashes. I stash fabrics too, so it’s twice as bad for me!

  12. I am so cold natured that my blood would be freezing in my veins even at 54 degrees! Everyone tells me that I keep my house hot enough to hatch eggs! 🙂 I love your knits and hope you get some heat soon!

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