crafts · Crochet · finished objects

FO: Ripple scarf

Pattern: My own

Yarn: Caron Simply Soft

Hook: G(?)

Notes:  So… you remember that ripple afghan I started ages ago?  Well, I thought “When life gives you lemons…. make them into a scarf!”  I pulled it out of the knitting basket, declared it finished, and wove in the ends… voila, instant scarf (which I actually love!)  I’m wearing it today, as I go to church to play a funeral (this is part of my job.)

While I was finishing this, I looked at the extra skein of simply soft in beige and thought “Hmm, think I’ll make myself some fingerless gloves.”  And you know what I discovered?  It wasn’t all the rippling that was hurting my fingers… it was the yarn!  I’m trying not to be an acrylic hater here, but I have discovered that it makes my fingers ache in a way nothing else does, whether I’m knitting or crocheting.  This makes me curious whether part of my fears of crochet related hand pain couldn’t be related to the fact that I’ve crocheted with a lot of acrylic.  I think I will try to find out!  I couldn’t really say why it hurts… but I’m not using it anymore.  And should I get struck by the ripple urge again, I will use a nice soft wool blend instead.

I’m happy to have this out of my wip basket.  Now it only contains actual WIPS!