crafts · finished objects · knitting

FO: Hedera

Pattern: Hedera by Cookie A.

Yarn: Fleece Artist Sea Wool in Silver

Needles: US 0

Notes: This sock pattern represents a few firsts for me.  It’s my first lace sock pattern, and my first pattern by Cookie A. (I have several more in my queue.)  The pattern was easily memorized, but overall I found it tedious.  I wished that there were rows I didn’t have to pay attention to.  The lace pattern is really stretchy.  I knit the larger size (because I have over size 7.5 feet) but it was large, so I knit the second sock in the small, which is still too big for me.  I felt that having the stitches arranged so that each DPN began with a K1tbl made the row of twisted stitches a bit uneven, although some of this is due to the yarn, which has occasional slubs.

I did not knit the heel to the number of rows called for, choosing to make my normal 2″ heel flap – it worked nicely I think!   I also adjusted the toe, which was going to be too long because of my row gauge.

The yarn was nice, and I think if you enjoy sea silk you would enjoy this too.  It has that sea silk crunch that so many people talk about.  For me, it was a little strange to knit – oddly dry feeling, and not stretchy enough even though the yarn seemed elastic on the skein.  Of course, I dislike sea silk for the same reasons (I have a skein up for sale on my ravelry stash page, in fact) so this is just a case of personal taste.  The color is gorgeous, and it has a really pretty sheen.

Now it’s back to my sweater – I’m on the second sleeve, soon it will be done as well!  We are redoing the bathroom right now, so my knitting time is limited… I can’t wait to show it off!

13 thoughts on “FO: Hedera

  1. Hi there,

    Great socks! I’m suffering from a fear of sock knitting but have signed up for a class in March, so hopefully, I’ll persevere 🙂
    I found your blog linked from Ravelry — your ‘Honey’ sweater — love it. I’m wanting to make a fitted cardi like it, so if I can find the book, maybe I’ll be putting it in my queue soon.
    Love your blog — I’ll be back!


  2. Great socks! I have some Tilli Tomas Fil de la Mer that I bought sight unseen for Wakame Lace Tunic but haven’t even swatched with it. I hope I like sea silk, but based on your description it doesn’t sound promising 😦 I’m not a fan of inelastic yarns.

  3. Very nice, and I’ll echo how lovely your pictures and use of color always are.

    I really want to know about the ? wooden pig ? … is that what that is?

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